PROJECTThe Nest – Palo Alto
CLIENTShashi Group, LLC.
SCOPELandscape Architecture
STAGECompleted 2015
BIOREGIONMediterranean: Central California Coast

The Nest, a recently opened luxury hotel, is located in Palo Alto, CA. The intent of the landscape design for the hotel was to create an intimate “Haven” for guests. The general aesthetic intent is modern Mediterranean. Accent furniture is weathered wood and paving is light-colored stone or concrete pavers. The plant palette was chosen to be very drought tolerant and appropriate for Palo Alto’s Mediterranean climate with large Olives in the central lounge area and Japanese Maples as accents in side plantings. Its linear double-sided fireplace adds coziness to the outdoor lounge at night and its beautiful wooden housing brightens up the space during the day. Lushly planted tree wells help to soften the parking lot and address stormwater runoff. The unique and expansive water feature creates an oasis-like atmosphere at the entry.