
Site Visit to Point Bonita YMCA

We recently had the pleasure of visiting the Point Bonita YMCA site to take some as-built measurements as they implement our vision plan.  With staggering views of the Pacific and Rodeo Beach below, the approach is to transform the site into one that continues to inspire through nature and facilitates outdoor learning for local youth and families.sized_2013-1216-Point-Bonita-PresentationConcept vision sketch.sized_ASC_2875Views from the site to Pacific Ocean. sized_ASC_2871Fun with sidewalk chalk as we take as-built measurements of site improvements.sized_ASC_2860Portrait silhouettes of our diligent team.sized_131019-Point-Bonita-(3)Aerial shot of the original site conditions showcasing some of the historic military bunkers tucked into the hillside. The site is one of the special North Bay places within the Golden Gate Natural Recreation Area (GGNRA).sized_IMG_5625Breathtaking views of the Pacific.