
ASLA NCC Honor Award

April Philips Design Works was recently awarded the American Society of Landscape Architects Northern California Chapter’s honor award in research, planning, analysis and communication for their book; “Designing Urban Agriculture – A Complete Guide to the Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Management of Edible Landscapes” 2015 honor award .d1_1539_06
The publication has helped shape the way designers can incorporate edible landscapes in an urban environment. Published by John Wiley & Sons, I
nc in 2013, the book has received high accolades for its clear and concise outline to enable new projects by using successful project examples.

The recent growth of the farm to table movement h
as had a direct impact on APDW’s work. r1538_02The practices have always been there, but providing them in a new, hip and appetizing fashion was the inspiration for April’s work and the start to a yearlong effort to create her book. Sharing this wonderful art and enabling more and more cities to benefit from its existence was an easy motivation for April. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do available

A great thanks to all the individuals that gave their time and energy to the book’s development. This award justifies everyone’s hard work and we couldn’t be more grateful.
