AIM Receives 2M Grant Seed Money for the Farmers Market Center for Food + Agriculture
Our newest project, Agriculture Institute of Marin’s (AIM) Center for Food + Agriculture at the Marin Farmers Market was granted 2 million dollars from the state to seed the design process. The project will provide a new permanent home for the Farmers Market and create a Center for Food + Agriculture, a world class community gathering space dedicated to celebrating and educating about local and regional food and farms, at the Marin Civic Center. The development will provide permanent housing for up to 250 California farmers and small businesses, thus broadening the scope of Marin Farmers Market and AIM’s community outreach programs. On this memorable day, Assemblyman Marc Levine, CEO of AIM Andy Naja-Riese, Supervior Dennis Rodoni, as well as the community and supporters gathered to celebrate the next chapter of the Center for Food and Agriculture. We are very excited to lead the design phase!
Top Right – Assemblyman Marc Levine handing Andy Naja-Riese (CEO of AIM) the 2 million grant.
Don’t forget “Dine Out Farmers Market Week” is August 4-10th!